Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Evaluation: Organization and Administration

This course has given you an opportunity to practice a range of leadership strategies when making decisions that require you to think politically, orchestrate collaboration among all stakeholders, and remain steadfast in your original vision. What do you envision to be the pitfalls that you might face as a first year principal, and how will you implement the strategies learned to overcome the pitfalls?

I feel that the biggest pitfall will be in working with teachers to develop a shared vision that everyone will feel part of. Going in as a new principal will be a difficult task and the job of building trust and at the same time developing a vision will take thoughtful planning and it will be a slow process that cannot be hurried- in the words of Michael Fullen-it is "slow knowing" as he refers to the hare and the tortoise. I do feel that keeping an emphsis on shared leadership and collaboration will go a long way to developing trust.

How has this course prepared you to use twenty-first century leadership skills as you model a new culture for collaborating, analyzing student performance, and continually reflect on instructional practices, school climate, and quality decision making?

The course has prepared me by making me aware of the strategic elements that are part of being an administrator and then allowing me to review research and literature to help me to articulate core values and leadership philosophy. Above all I think that the course has allowed me to develop as a thoughtful and reflective leader that nutures leadership in others and fosters a collaborative learning community. I have also been able to see how a leader can advocate for and use technology to increase student achievement for all students.

Educational leadership and coordination, are not the sole responsibility of school principals: They can and should be exercised at all levels of the school organization. What opportunities for collective leadership have you provided in your plan?Bold

The Action Plan is based on fostering leadership with all groups and at all levels. There are opportunities for leadership with teachers in the Professional Learning Communities; for parents as part of the Action Team and other parent organizations; for students as student leaders and peer tutors and for community members as volunteers and participants on school committees and activities. I feel that shared leadership is one of the most important aspects of the plan and of being part of a school as an administrator. I have learned new ways to make that shared leadership happen as part of this course and I feel that I will be a better leader because of the strategies that I have learned!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Comments on Administration and Supervision

It seems an impossible task to "teach" a group of aspiring administrators how to manage a learning organization. The class Administration and Supervision at Johns Hopkins not only accomplishes the task, but also helps students to work as teams so that they will be models of collaboration and learning communities. The structure of the course, which is organized around administrative teams with roles that parallel that of a school, helps to lend an authentic experience to the class that serves as a laboratory for experimenting with concepts and ideas.
The class emphasizes the many facets of school administration that make the role of a principal so difficult. It is a huge task just to keep thinking about all the considerations and stakeholders when planning and executing programs. The team organization helps me to be mindful of the various viewpoints that are brought to the table in each role within the school. This will better prepare me as an administrator because I know that everyone on the team takes a leadership role at various times and that one person cannot possibly accomplish everything.
I know that I need support in the political aspects of the organization regarding the stakeholders, especially the teachers. It is easy when the team is enthusiastic and professional like those members of our class, however, when there are team members who are not as enthusiastic or who are more interested in personal than team accomplishments, it is more difficult. I think that I have learned that the entire team can and should make those decisions and then take responsibility for the outcomes.
I have enjoyed working on my team. They are skilled and very collaborative. I would wish to be part of a real leadership team that is like this one! I have learned from the class and also from them. That is an aspect of the team that is exciting- learning from each other and our unique experiences!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I am sharing my suggestions for Technology Priorities at Licking Heights High School through
VOICE THREAD at the URL listed below. I have also sent an invitation email

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Technology As An Essential Component of Curriculum Development

The written, taught and tested curriculum in a school needs to be aligned for the most effective teaching and learning. For technology to be part of that curriculum it needs to be supported by essential conditions and it needs to support the curriculum that may be based on state or national standards. Since technology is part of all grade levels across the curriculum either a separate guide or section embedded within each level and/or subject that includes the Essential Conditions, NETS for Students and Student Profiles in grades K-12 should also be included. Part of that technology should include a district philosophy statement that supports the essential conditions and use of technology for 21st century learning. NETS for both teachers and administrators should accompany the philosophy statement to give direction to the initiative. Just like all parts of the curriculum this should be acted on and signed by the board of education so that direction is officially given for the administrators to allocate resources to the initiative. The district Technology Plan should reflect the essential conditions and be included as part of the section or guide so that all stakeholders can participate in and be familiar with that plan. the technology plan and NETS should work together to bring about greater integration and use of technology in the district.

Specifics as to how to implement the NETS for students would be part of teacher planning, however, resources should be listed in the guide that would align to the student profile per grade level. As in the use of standards, the expectation should be that teachers use the NETS for students and accompanying grade level profiles in the classroom and collaborate with other teachers. Staff Development should also be provided to make teachers familiar with resources. For example, the first part of the 9-12 student profile related to NETS Standard 1 is that students create a game (on the computer, online). Resources such as ETOYS could be listed along with others and then a staff in service on how to effectively use the resource to enhance subject matter and increase student achievement through technology use could be scheduled.
This integration into curriculum planning may take time but will help to embed the technology across the curriculum.

Another effective use of technology as part of curriculum planning is in differentiated instruction. In fact, technology can make it easier to provide specific and focused learning tools as students are assessed for their strengths and starting point in the curriculum. Universal Design for Learning provides a framework for individualizing (instruction) learning in a standards-based environment through flexible pedagogy and tools. UDL is a way of presenting the curriculum to meet the needs of all students including presentation of content, expression by students and engagement of the students. This differentiated instruction allows for a variety of learning styles, ability levels and optional tasks.

Presentation of content might include use of digital books; websites; multi media presentation formats; and specific software programs. Allowing for a variety of ways for students to express ideas could include use of online graphic organizers; speech to text options; cooperative and collaborative student learning using wiki, blogging and google docs. Student engagement might be facilitated in the UDL model through interactive software; recorded books; adjustable level textbooks online; visual graphics; and student developed online games.

UDL works simultaneously with integration of technology in curriculum planning. As teachers set clear goals for instruction by using curriculum planning, individualize instruction for all students using technology tools designed for specific purposes and assess progress, the focus of the classroom will become aligned with learning and higher achievement for all students.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Purpose of School, what subjects should be taught and how students learn:

I believe that schools should teach basic skills such as reading, writing and basic math for mastery in introductory classes and then begin to incorporate the process of learning, allowing students to create knowledge in a way that is meaningful to them (constructivism). As schools use this blended format it will mean using mastery and organic curriculum approaches (Glatthorn, p. 28) with both structure and student-led learning processes. I have come to this belief through experiences as a parent, teacher and administrator. I will always remember a comment made by a student who had returned to the high school where I was teaching to tell me of his new college experiences. I posed the question, "What is the major difference between high school and college?" He replied, "In college they teach how to learn and to think and then allow us to reflect on our ideas in a discussion format." I wondered why we could not do this in other grades and why a student needed to wait until college to engage in the process of learning.

I also believe that the teacher plays a major role in the learning process in any environment and in both the mastery and organic curriculums. In the mastery curriculum the teacher can help students to understand their learning style and what they need to focus attention on. The teacher could provide different ways of learning the most difficult concepts. In the organic- student-led environment the teacher could facilitate, mentor and pose questions as students construct their own knowledge using the basic concepts learned in the mastery curriculum.
My vision of the learning process then, is clearly described by Burrello in Educating All Students Together which states that "the role students take in learning changes in learner centered schools." (p. 39) So does the role of the teacher change in this new blended curriculum. "Teachers can no longer be expected to work in private They need time to collaborate and share what is expected of them and their students." (p. 40)

Regarding what is to be taught in the school, I believe that basic knowledge and values, although determined by society, community and families are more similar than different throughout the country and even the world. Many school vision and mission statements refer to students becoming productive and successful members of society. This usually means the ability to read and write and today the ability to use technology tools and communicate globally. Communities usually decide how the school will operate, what norms and culture is expected. Some communities are more visionary than others. I believe that society needs to help students to become part of the journey to construct their own knowledge using processes that will become part of their life-long repertoire and move them into the arena of life-long learners.
Since these are my beliefs and I have actually seen this process work successfully, I have invited myself into an environment with a principal that has the same beliefs. I have extended my internship into a high school environment that reflects both the mastery and student constructed learning processes. There, I observe and work in a congruent environment. In the online environment, where curriculum is purchased, I skewed it to include my values and beliefs so that my work could demonstrate my beliefs. Even thought that attempt was successful, it was also difficult.

Students need to be an integral part of their own learning process. They need to master necessary skills and to be held accountable for those while also engaging in the process of constructing meaningful knowledge using tools and technologies that create a 21st Century learning organization.