Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Evaluation: Organization and Administration

This course has given you an opportunity to practice a range of leadership strategies when making decisions that require you to think politically, orchestrate collaboration among all stakeholders, and remain steadfast in your original vision. What do you envision to be the pitfalls that you might face as a first year principal, and how will you implement the strategies learned to overcome the pitfalls?

I feel that the biggest pitfall will be in working with teachers to develop a shared vision that everyone will feel part of. Going in as a new principal will be a difficult task and the job of building trust and at the same time developing a vision will take thoughtful planning and it will be a slow process that cannot be hurried- in the words of Michael Fullen-it is "slow knowing" as he refers to the hare and the tortoise. I do feel that keeping an emphsis on shared leadership and collaboration will go a long way to developing trust.

How has this course prepared you to use twenty-first century leadership skills as you model a new culture for collaborating, analyzing student performance, and continually reflect on instructional practices, school climate, and quality decision making?

The course has prepared me by making me aware of the strategic elements that are part of being an administrator and then allowing me to review research and literature to help me to articulate core values and leadership philosophy. Above all I think that the course has allowed me to develop as a thoughtful and reflective leader that nutures leadership in others and fosters a collaborative learning community. I have also been able to see how a leader can advocate for and use technology to increase student achievement for all students.

Educational leadership and coordination, are not the sole responsibility of school principals: They can and should be exercised at all levels of the school organization. What opportunities for collective leadership have you provided in your plan?Bold

The Action Plan is based on fostering leadership with all groups and at all levels. There are opportunities for leadership with teachers in the Professional Learning Communities; for parents as part of the Action Team and other parent organizations; for students as student leaders and peer tutors and for community members as volunteers and participants on school committees and activities. I feel that shared leadership is one of the most important aspects of the plan and of being part of a school as an administrator. I have learned new ways to make that shared leadership happen as part of this course and I feel that I will be a better leader because of the strategies that I have learned!

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